JeVois  1.20
JeVois Smart Embedded Machine Vision Toolkit
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Documentation rules and guidelines
This page contains a lot of broken stuff, it needs major fixing

Tagging your code

Use the following instead of plain strings in your comments:

  • \todo will add an item to the todo list
  • \test will add an item to the test list
  • \bug will add an item to the bug list
  • \deprecated will add an item to the deprecated list

For example:

//! Cool class
/*! Class that does something cool.
\todo Make it hot too */
class CoolClass { ... };

Modules, groups of related functions

Generally speaking, our goal is that users should be able to access information:

  • by browsing over the Modules section of the doc
  • by search for a name, or browsing the various class lists, file lists, etc
  • through linking between related doc pages

See how it's done for GenericImage.

  • First, in GenericImage.H we start with a top-level group, which will appear nicely under the Modules section of the documentation:
    /*! \defgroup genericimage GenericImage class and concepts
    GenericImage is a thin wrapper for an Image of any pixel type. Writing general algorithms that work with
    GenericImage allows them to apply to any image type. */
  • Then, we document GenericImage itself, make it belong to the genericimage group:
    /*! GenericImage class
    \ingroup genericimage */
    class GenericImage { ... };
  • Finally, if you want to cross-link to other groups, use the \see command; for example:
    /*! \defgroup genericimageoperators GenericImage Operators
    \ingroup genericimage
    \see image */
    /*! @{ */ // **********************************************************************
    /*! @} */ // **********************************************************************

And note how we use the arrobas curly braces to here include into our group all the operators that will be defined.

Why use this rather than a bunch of \relates directives in each of the operators? This would make each operator appear in the doc page of the GenericImage class, which is great except that it masks teh general comment block we have about how all GenericImage operators work, promote pixels, etc.

Helper enums or other helpers

For classes that have helpers, for example, some enums that define parameters of functions associated with the class: Just define your group to only include the class; then indicate for each helper that it relates to the class. This will list the helpers in the doc page of the class, as opposed to cluttering the page of your group. See for example how it's done in Image.H where:

  • we define a group called 'image'
  • in the doc of Image we mention that it is in the group image
  • but in the doc of ImageInitPolicy and ImageFlags we simply mark those as related to the Image class as opposed to being in the group. Thus they will appear in the doc of the image class but not in the page describing the group. This is the desired behavior as in the group's page we want a clear and uncluttered high-level view, while in the class documentation we need to know the details.

However, for enums that are only used in functions and cannot be related to a class, we mush add those to the group where the function belongs. Have a look at Text.H for an example: TextAnchor is documented and added to textdrawing group, like the drawText() function is.

Documenting macros

  • All internal JeVois macros (not to be used directly by users) should have a name that starts with JEVOIS_MACRO_
  • All JeVois macros that users may use should have a name that starts with JEVOIS_
  • Simple macros that just define a value can be documented like classes, variables, etc
  • macros that declare a complex function whose internal guts are of no interest to end users should be documented as follows. First, in a .H file, only write a documentation block attached to nothing and that includes a \def for the macro name:
    //! Optional brief description of the macro
    /*! \def JEVOIS_MY_MACRO(x, y)
    Convenience macro to achieve blah. */
    Then, in an Impl.H file hidden in the details/ subdirectory, define your macro but do not document the macro definition itself. Finally, to create a link to your macro definition from within some other documentation, use
    /*! blah blah. See for example #JEVOIS_MY_MACRO(x, y) */
    See for example #JEVOIS_DEFINE_ENUM_CLASS(name, SEQ) in Types/Enum.H and Types/details/EnumImpl.H

JeVois Enums

For enums defined using JeVois_DEFINE_ENUM_CLASS, we basically manually instruct doxygen that we are creating a new class. Adapt the following to your own enums:

//! Hypothetical BoundedSet insert policy
/*! \class BoundedSetInsertPolicy
When trying to push a new element into the set, if it matches one already in the set:
- if \c jevois::BoundedSetInsertPolicy::Preserve, keep the old one and discard the new incoming one, or,
- if \c jevois::BoundedSetInsertPolicy::Replace, replace the old one with the new one.
\relates BoundedSet */
JEVOIS_DEFINE_ENUM_CLASS(BoundedSetInsertPolicy, (Preserve) (Replace) );
Enum for Parameter.