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How can we get the category using DarknetSaliency module? [closed]

+1 vote

I would like to use the demo DarknetSaliency module  to get the category , the confidence, the x an y position of the found object on a arduino application. Basically I want to read the serial output of JeVois with an arduino and make something when a certain object is detected in a certain spot.

I get all that information plus frame number to which I don't know yet what use to make for it but I don't get the category. I always have 0 but when I check with video output I clearly see different object detected.

Here is the part of the program I use to change modes on Jevois with an Arduino Mega:

JeVois is attached to Serial1 port. Serial port is used to print out on Arduino monitor.

// Buffer for received serial port bytes:
#define INLEN 128
char instr[INLEN + 1];
bool change_JeVoismode=false;
int Mode=0;
// #########################
void setup()
 Serial1.println("setpar serlog None");
 Serial1.println("setpar serout Hard");

void Serial_modechange()
 int numero;
      numero = Serial.parseInt();
    Serial1.println("setmapping 10");
    Serial1.println("setpar serout Hard");   delay(100);
    Serial1.println("streamon");    delay(100);
    Serial.println("DarknetSaliency");    delay(200);

void DarknetSaliency()
  byte len = Serial1.readBytesUntil('\n', instr, INLEN);   
  instr[len] = 0;
  //Serial.print(instr);  Serial.println("  ");  //for debug
  char *tok = strtok(instr, " \r\n");
  int state = 0; int targx = 0, targy = 0 ;
  unsigned int category = 0,  frame=0;
  float confidence =0;
  //Serial.print("  "); Serial.print(tok); Serial.print("  "); Serial.println(len);  // print raw serial for debug

 while (tok)
    switch (state)
      case 0:
       if (strcmp(tok, "DKS") == 0) state = 1;
         else if (strcmp(tok, "T2") == 0) state = 2;
         else if (strcmp(tok, "DKR") == 0) state = 4;
         else state = 1000;
      case 1: frame = atoi(tok);
        Serial.print(" frame: ");   Serial.print(frame);            
      case 2: targx = atoi(tok);
        Serial.print(" targx ");   Serial.print(targx);
        state = 3; break;
      case 3: targy = atoi(tok);
        Serial.print(" targy ");   Serial.print(targy);
        state = 0; break;
        case 4: category = atoi(tok);
        Serial.print(" category ");   Serial.print(category);
        state = 5; break;
        case 5: confidence = atof(tok);
        Serial.print(" confidence ");   Serial.println(confidence);
        state = 6; break;     
      default: break; // Skip any additional tokens     
    tok = strtok(0, " \r\n");

void loop()
 if (Serial.available()>0)
   char Ch = Serial.read();
   if (Ch == 'M')   

The result is something like this: here below It should recognize a person.

 frame: 753 targx -150 targy 350 category 0 confidence 25.90

 frame: 754 targx -50 targy 300 category 0 confidence 53.10

 frame: 755 targx -350 targy 350 category 0 confidence 0.00

 frame: 756 targx -50 targy 300 category 0 confidence 70.20

Or here below should detect a ball pen (or sometimes a screwdriver :) )

 frame: 1161 targx 375 targy -275 category 0 confidence 42.40

 frame: 1162 targx 375 targy -275 category 0 confidence 40.80

 frame: 1163 targx -25 targy -325 category 0 confidence 37.50

Anyway the category is always 0.  I am not sure if I used the correct method to read the serial data and surely I will appreciate some help.

Thank you!
closed with the note: this is a duplicate and was answered
asked Nov 11, 2017 in User questions by DT (310 points)
closed Nov 28, 2017 by DT

1 Answer

0 votes
I use that code following the below by "JeVois RoadNavigation".

void setup() {
  Serial.println("Let's go!");
  HWSERIAL.println("setpar serlog None");
  HWSERIAL.println("setpar serout Hard");
  //HWSERIAL.println("setmapping2 YUYV 320 240 30.0 JeVois RoadNavigation");
  HWSERIAL.println("setmapping2 YUYV 320 240 5.0 JeVois DarknetSaliency"); //I haven't try yet.
  HWSERIAL.println("setcam brightness 2");
  HWSERIAL.println("setcam contrast 6");
  HWSERIAL.println("setcam sharpness 28");
  HWSERIAL.println("setcam autogain 1");
  //HWSERIAL.println("setcam gain 400");
  HWSERIAL.println("setcam redbal 180");
  HWSERIAL.println("setcam bluebal 180");

answered Nov 15, 2017 by motomi (300 points)
edited Nov 15, 2017 by motomi
Thank you for your suggestion @motomi. Though is not solving my problem. Is interesting to aknoledge the method you used to acces the JeVois modes.
By the way I figured that I double posted my question and I was put on the right direction to solve my problem on the second post of my same question.