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Runing a new added module only works the first time

0 votes
I recently bougth a Jevois Camera

Everything its ok if i only use the modules that come with the camera the problem is decribed next:

I add a new module, write some code for aruco markers detection, while i am working with this new module everything is working fine but only if i do not close Inventor. When i close and reopen inventor i can run any of the default modules but if select the new added module the inventor freeze on the last module opened and the camera view going to black. Then i close inventor from task manager and when i reopen it the camera its not detected. The only way to make the camera work again is taking off the SD and with a SD adapter access the jevois partition from windows and delete the folder for the new module and start again from the beginning creating the new module again and writing or copying the code again, but this only work while i dont close inventor o disconect the camera.
asked Mar 2, 2019 in Misc Questions by leonidesfelix (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Can you give us more details about your video mapping?

On some hosts, especially MacOS and some versions of Windows, requesting a specific resolution and frame rate is hit or miss. So you run into problems when you have several video mappings with the same output resolution but different frame rates. Note that internally in JeVois we detect duplicate output resolutions and frame rates and we adjust the frame rate down by 1fps when we find exact duplicates. So having lots of video mappings with similar output modes should in principle not be a problem, except that some host OSes have difficulty with it.

You could also edit your videomappings.cfg file in JeVois Inventor and delete everything except your module. This would help confirm whether this is due to conflicting resolutions or some other problem.

Another question, why do you use task manager to close the inventor? You should be able to just close the window. Some low-level video drivers get upset when you close uncleanly.
answered Mar 4, 2019 by JeVois (46,580 points)
I tried all you suggest but no luck.. :( I am able to run my new module just once when its created, but if i disconnect and connect again Inventor freeze when i select my module again
can you email us your module code and video mappings.cfg, so that we can try this here? Please send to jevois.org@gmail.com