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Not sure how to use hardware serial for binary transmission.

0 votes
I have read some answers that have asked about mavlink integration into jevois. I am trying to make something similar to mavlink and have followed the same steps as prescribed for mavlink. The code compiles without a problem. Using the module would require setting

serialdev =

in the params.cfg (jevois's params.cfg).

However, whenever I do this and power up the jevois, all I see is

Green light, orange light flash, constant green light with no orange light.

This occurs regardless of whether I write setmapping "mapping number" in initscript or not, where mapping number corresponds to the module that uses the serial.

What it is certainly not:

A power issue or a broken orange LED (because it operates just fine until I make that change in params.cfg)
asked Nov 7, 2019 in Misc Questions by sidharth (250 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
We will look into this. It is possible that in newer versions of the JeVois software this does not work anymore. Maybe in the meantime you can try to flash an old version, with a date around the one when the mavlink code was developed?

pls see here: http://jevois.org/start/software.html
answered Nov 11, 2019 by JeVois (46,580 points)