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libjevoisebase components in your project

0 votes


I'm trying to use QRcode component from libjevoisbase. When I run my module I recieve an exception about an undefined symbol _ZTI6QRcode. It's clear I must link my module against something. Linker can't find libjevoisbase in the default paths. What is the correct way to do it?

PS: The source file is just a copy of DemoQRCode, other files were created by jevois-create-module tool.

asked Nov 17, 2019 in Programmer Questions by XDN (190 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
Best answer

Sorry for the slow reply as your post was buried in a surge of spam posts we had to moderate. After a couple approved posts you will not be moderated anymore.

Yes, you do need to link against libjevjoisbase. Have a look at CMakeLists.txt that comes with samplemodule:


you need to uncomment a few things to allow linking against libjevoisbase:

## If your module will use components provided by jevoisbase, uncomment the lines below:
  link_directories("/var/lib/jevois-microsd/lib/JeVois") # find libjevoisbase.so for platform

include_directories("/var/lib/jevois-build/usr/include") # find jevoisbase includes

target_link_libraries(SampleModule ${JEVOIS_OPENCV_LIBS} jevoisbase opencv_imgproc opencv_core)

answered Nov 26, 2019 by JeVois (46,580 points)
selected Nov 27, 2019 by XDN