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Trouble Connecting Camera Inventor on Windows

0 votes
I am having some interesting issues with my Jevois Camera. Right now when I try to open inventor to work on my project, the image pane on the right is black, and after a few seconds the window stops responding. One thing I noticed is that the light on my camera stays green; it never becomes orange while booting up. Another thing I noticed that may be important is in the window that shows up when inventor initially boots, that gives me a list of available cameras, the only one listed is the integrated camera (webcam). Eventually this initial window closes when my camera is detected, but I find it strange that the camera is never in the list.

I have reached this point multiple times with my camera in the past few days. Basically I am working on a project using the Python DNN object classifying code module as a starting point. So far I am giving the camera an image from which to identify items, and will later move on to using the live video feed from the camera. It seems, though, after I start changing things in the code, eventually inventor gets to the point above where the image window is black and the window stops responding. I have pretty much been stuck in a cycle of flashing my sd card with the Jevois image, opening up the DNN code in inventor, editing the code of the module, having inventor freeze and become unusable, then re-flashing the SD and starting the whole cycle over again. One important thing to note is that even after re-flashing the SD card the boot light still stays solid green.

I'm really just wondering if my issues are due to user error and I am doing something wrong with how I am editing my code, or if there is a hardware issue that is causing my problems (since the boot light stays green).
asked Nov 26, 2019 in User questions by obriena (310 points)
recategorized Nov 26, 2019 by obriena

1 Answer

0 votes
just to close this issue, it looks like it was caused by some problems in the modified module code.

If you send us your code, we can try to further track down the crash and see whether we could add some additional exception handler or such in the JeVois core to avoid a complete crash.
answered Dec 3, 2019 by JeVois (46,580 points)