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Any plans for beefing up the GPU in the future?

0 votes

Are there any plans for releasing a jevois version in the future that has a better GPU? I really like the form factor of the jevois but I feel that it lacks some punch when compared to say a jetson nano. The problem with the jetson nano is that it is unnecessarily big. I'm using jevois in my project here: https://github.com/naughtyStark/Self-driving-car-STM-32 and as you can see there is no space for a jetson nano to fit in there (I would want to avoid putting the nano on top as it would raise the CG, which is important for racing! The jevois, on the other hand, poses no such issues since it only weighs 34 gms!). I feel like this is a niche that jevois could fill; compact, lightweight and minimalistic camera+computer. 

asked Nov 27, 2019 in Misc Questions by sidharth (250 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote
amazing project, thanks for sharing!

Yes, we have a top-secret project in the works, but it is slow to finalize now as this semester is very busy with teaching (750 students in my A.I. class!). Hopefully we get it out in the early spring. Let me warn you, though, this is going to be a different price range (about 10x the current model), but will include it all (faster CPU, GPU, neural processing unit, global shutter, IMU, etc) but still a small form factor.
answered Dec 3, 2019 by JeVois (46,580 points)
10x price seems a fair bit higher than I was expecting (3x would have still been within my budget). Although there certainly is a market for it in drones; they need small lightweight image processing platforms and for them, the cost would be much less of an issue than an independent researcher like me :P. I guess I will have to ask santa for it.