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Jevois is not detected by Linux (Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS)

0 votes

A month ago I worked with the card and it worked beautifully. After a few days of rest I reconnected everything and it doesn't works. I can't share the video and even linux doesn't detect the card (with "dmesg" command). I have already installed another microSD and I have also verified the correct insertion of the card. Also I connected the card in others machine and its the same problem.

Could someone guide me what could be the problem?
asked Jan 7, 2020 in Hardware Questions by josantoniojl (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Maybe something happened to your camera or to your USB cable? If you have another USB cable, please try this. Otherwise please email us at jevoisinc@gmail.com and we will help you.
answered Jan 10, 2020 by JeVois (46,580 points)
Thank you, in order to advance my projet I bought a new one. I will send you an email very soon.