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camera fails to connect to mac inventor

0 votes
I have two new JeVois cameras and I cannot get either one of them to connect to my MacBook Pro workstation with Inventor.  I have the latest SD flashed and have the camera connected to separate power with more than enough power.  The camera boots up and the indicator light is green and then turns orange. I am using a JeVois Y cable with USB B for the power and micro USB plugged into a micro USB to USB B adapter to connect with the Mac. Inventor is up and running when I plug in the camera to the Mac, waiting for a connection. But the camera never connects. Photobooth and StreamLabs OBS both do not see a second camera other than the laptop built in camera.  What other troubleshooting can I do?
asked May 9, 2020 in Hardware Questions by georgeloyer (120 points)

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