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How to solve this Error: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'torch._C'

0 votes

Hello. I have the following problem:

In my Python Software I use :  from detecto import core, utils, visualize

After this I imediately receive this error:

ERR Log::warnAndIgnoreException: Caught exception from the Python interpreter:

ERR Log::warnAndIgnoreException: Python traceback (most recent calls last):

ERR Log::warnAndIgnoreException: File /jevois/modules/Dambrowsky/PythonTest/PythonTest.py

ERR Log::warnAndIgnoreException: Line 166, in process:

ERR Log::warnAndIgnoreException: File /usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/detecto/core.py

ERR Log::warnAndIgnoreException: Line 4, in <module>:

ERR Log::warnAndIgnoreException: File /usr/lib/python3.7/site-packages/torch/__init__.py

ERR Log::warnAndIgnoreException: Line 79, in <module>:

ERR Log::warnAndIgnoreException: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'torch._C'

I have installed the following Libraries:

hell pip list

Package Version

--------------------- ---------------

arrow 0.10.0

asn1crypto 0.24.0

async-timeout 3.0.1

attrs 18.2.0

backcall 0.1.0

beautifulsoup4 4.5.3

bitstring 3.1.5

cached-property 1.4.0

cbor 1.0.0

certifi 2018.11.29

cffi 1.11.2

characteristic 14.3.0

chardet 3.0.4

constantly 15.1.0

cryptography 2.3.1

cycler 0.10.0

daemonize 2.4.7

DataProperty 0.29.1

decorator 4.0.11

detecto 1.2.1

humanize 0.5.1

idna 2.8

iowait 0.2

ipython-genutils 0.2.0

json-schema-validator 2.4.1

jsonmodels 2.4

jsonschema 2.5.1

kiwisolver 1.3.1

Logbook 1.4.3

lxml 4.3.3

markdown2 2.3.6

matplotlib 3.4.2

mbstrdecoder 0.2.2

more-itertools 4.0.1

msgpack 0.6.1

multidict 4.5.2

numpy 1.16.3

pandas 1.1.0

path.py 10.5

pathtools 0.1.2

pathvalidate 0.16.0

pexpect 4.6.0

pickleshare 0.7.4

Pillow 8.3.0

pip 19.1

ply 3.11

posix-ipc 1.0.4

protobuf 3.6.0

psutil 5.6.2

ptyprocess 0.5.1

py 1.8.0

py-ubjson 0.12.0

pycparser 2.19

pycrypto 2.6.1

pyinotify 0.9.6

pylibdmtx 0.1.9

pylru 1.0.9

pyparsing 3.0.0b2

pytablereader 0.15.0

python-dateutil 2.8.0

PyTrie 0.3.1

pytz 2018.9

PyYAML 4.2b4

requests 2.21.0

scandir 1.9.0

schedule 0.6.0

scipy 1.3.0

see 1.4.1

semver 2.8.1

setuptools 41.0.1

sh 1.12.14

simplegeneric 0.8.1

simplejson 3.11.1

SimpleSQLite 0.15.0

six 1.12.0

sortedcontainers 2.1.0

tabledata 0.0.5

tempora 1.7

torch 1.1.0

torchvision 0.3.0a0+bbd363c

tqdm 4.61.2

traitlets 4.3.2

typepy 0.0.20

ujson 1.35

urllib3 1.24.2

uvloop 0.12.2

validators 0.12.2

visitor 0.1.3

Whoosh 2.7.4

xlrd 1.0.0

It looks like the Library torch._C is not available.  Is there anybody who can help me?

Thank you very much.

Peter Dambrowsky

asked Aug 14, 2021 in Programmer Questions by Peter (580 points)

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