JeVois  1.20
JeVois Smart Embedded Machine Vision Toolkit
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Tips for running custom neural networks

Tips for YAML zoo files

  • keys supported in the YAML files: each one is documented in the classes that use them, in the JEVOIS_DECLARE_PARAMETER(...) directives at the beginning of each header file:
  • If you create a custom python pre-processor, network, or post-processor and define JeVois parameters in there, you can set those parameters in your YAML file too.
  • Order matters: when a component is instantiated (e.g., preproc: Blob will instantiate a jevois::dnn::PreProcessorBlob), its parameters are brought into existence, but they do not exist before. So, for example, since rgb is a pre-processor parameter, it should be specified in the YAML file after preproc has been set.
    This is especially true for Python pre/net/post:
    • first select that you will use Python, e.g., preproc: Python
    • this only exposes a new parameter pypre to select which python file to load
    • when you then set, e.g., pypre: "pydnn/pre/" the selected python code is loaded and initialized
    • during initialization, the python code may create new JeVois parameters; here, scale and mean
    • thus, only now you can set scale: 0.0078125 or similar.
  • Parameters have default values specified in their definition (in jevois::dnn::PreProcessor, etc). You can remove lines in your YAML file that would set parameters to those default values (e.g., rgb: true could be removed because the default for rgb is true). This will make your YAML file more concise.

Tips for pre-processing

  • classes is optional. If you just want to check how fast a model will run on your JeVois camera but don't have the class list handy, just remove the classes parameter from your YAML. JeVois will just display class numbers instead of class names.
  • for classoffset: likely you have a computer keyboard around, and those tend to be easily recognized by models trained on ImageNet. So just point your camera to the keyboard and play with classoffset in the JeVois GUI until you get "computer keyboard" as output.
  • mean and stdev values should be in the same order as your model's input images (RGB or BGR, as specified by the rgb parameter).

Tips for post-processing

  • Classification is the easiest case. Detection usually requires more work, as a suitable post-processor is needed to decode the network outputs into boxes than can be drawn on screen. JeVois provides standard post-processors for the YOLO series, SSD, FasterRCNN, etc and you can also write your own in Python.
  • YOLOv2 anchors may need to be multiplied by 8 to work with the JeVois PostProcessor. You can do this in a terminal as follows (here, just cutting and pasting the anchors from yolov2-voc.cfg):
    for x in 1.3221, 1.73145, 3.19275, 4.00944, 5.05587, 8.09892, 9.47112, 4.84053, 11.2364, 10.0071; do echo "scale=4; ${x/,/} * 8" | bc; echo ','; done | xargs
    Remove the last comma and place some semicolons to separate the YOLO scales if needed, and you are good to go. See for some details.

Tips for model conversion

  • When converting a model, we may have some questions: Is our model using NCHW or NHWC? What are the names of the inputs and output layers? We can answer those using Lutz Roeder's great Netron online model inspection tool:
    • Point your browser to
    • click "Open Model..."
    • upload your model
    • click on the boxes for the input and output layers to see some info about them